Thanks to our unique registration system, we are able to provide dairymen around the world with the most accurate science-based breeding values. This pioneering spirit continues to characterise our work in modern cattle breeding with a firm focus on health traits and sustainability.
Cattle breeding has very strong roots in the Nordic countries. Our farmers appreciate their animals. They are not treated as purely numbers, but as important 'co-workers' of farmers there. Our farmers are very proud of breeding the best cows in the world. For decades, dairy farmers in the Nordic countries have had a strong commitment to registering the performance of their cows. This has enabled us to create a unique registration system combining all data from Denmark, Sweden and Finland. Today, there are over 740,000 animal health and production records in our big data.
Before the year 1980, the Nordic countries had a Production Index, Calving Index, Daughter fertility Index, Udder Index and Milkability Index. By 1982, the Nordic Total Merit (NTM) included a Mastitis Resistance index. In 1987, a General Health index that referred to metabolic and reproductive diseases was included in the NTM. By 2005, a Longevity Index and stillbirths were included in the calving index increasing the accuracy of this index. In 2011, the first Hoof Health index was launched based on over six million data registrations from hoof trimmers. A unique index for young stock survival was launched in 2016, and in 2019 we are introducing the most reliable Saved Feed index in the world.
It takes innovation to turn big data into real-life solutions.