Expected Progeny Difference
- Trait Index Bull effect Average
- Milk kg, 305 days 69.9 9883
- Fat kg, 305 days 2.7 434
- Fat %, 305 days 0.00 4.4
- Protein kg, 305 days 0.0 355
- Protein %, 305 days -0.04 3.6
NAV proof run date: 01-01-1900
Reliability %
Number of daughters: 0
- Name Scientific name Symptoms Code Result
- SPAST Bovine Spinal Dysmyelination (SDF = Not carrier, SDC = Single carrier, SDS = Double carrier) Spinal dysmyelination is a Read more (SDF = Not carrier, SDC = Single carrier, SDS = Double carrier) Spinal dysmyelination is a recessive congenital neurodegenerative defect identified in the Brown Swiss population. It is a disorder in the central nervous system and is caused by a defect in the neuronal pathways. Affected calves are unable to stand due to spasms of the limbs and the body. The calves die shortly after birth. The key ancestor is believed to be White Cloud Jason’s Elegant (US 148551). https://omia.org/OMIA001247/9913/ SDF Free
- SMA Spinal muscular atrophy (SMF = Not carrier, SMC = Single carrier, SMS = Double carrier) Spinal muscular atrophy is Read more (SMF = Not carrier, SMC = Single carrier, SMS = Double carrier) Spinal muscular atrophy is an autosomal recessively inherited defect in the Brown Swiss population. It is a neuromuscular disorder characterised by a loss of lower motor neurons and progressive muscle wasting. The nerve cells in the spinal cord that control muscle function die, which causes muscle wastage. It is most frequently seen in 1-12 weeks old calves, but in some cases, it can be seen from birth. It causes the calves to become weak and have problems standing, the symptoms progressively worsen until the calves die or are euthanized. The key ancestor is the Brown Swiss bull Meadow View Destiny (US 118619). https://omia.org/OMIA000939/9913/ SMF Free
- BTA12 Bos Taurus Autosome 12 (B12F = Not carrier, B12C = Single carrier, B12S = Double carrier) BTA12 is an Read more (B12F = Not carrier, B12C = Single carrier, B12S = Double carrier) BTA12 is an autosomal recessively inherited disease, in the Nordic Red Dairy Cattle population. It causes early embryonic death (spontaneous abortion), between the first and fifth month of gestation. The mutation occurs in the RNASEH2B gene. https://omia.org/OMIA001901/9913/ B12F Free
- BTA23 Bos Taurus Autosome 23 (B23F = Not carrier, B23C = Single carrier, B23S = Double carrier) BTA23 is an autosomal Read more (B23F = Not carrier, B23C = Single carrier, B23S = Double carrier) BTA23 is an autosomal recessively inherited defect. The disorder was identified in the Nordic Red Dairy Cattle population and causes embryonic death (spontaneous abortion), late in gestation or stillborn calves. The calves have no deformities. B23F Free
- PIRM Ptosis, intellectual disability, retarded growth and mortality (PIF = Not carrier, PIC = Single carrier, PIS = Double carrier) AH1 is an autosomal Read more (PIF = Not carrier, PIC = Single carrier, PIS = Double carrier) AH1 is an autosomal recessively inherited defect, identified in the Canadian and Nordic Ayrshire populations. AH1 and PIRM are located very closely to each other in the genome, and it is expected that they are the same defect. They primarily cause early embryonic death (spontaneous abortion) within the first 100 days of gestation. If affected calves are born, they are malformed and have inhibited growth. There has also been reports of learning disabilities (e.g. difficulties learning to drink) The key ancestor is believed to be Selwood Betty’s Commander (CAN 393145). https://omia.org/OMIA001934/9913/ PIF Free
- BH2 Braunvieh Haplotype 2 Many of the calves with the mutation in double dose (homozygotic) are stillborn or die Read more Many of the calves with the mutation in double dose (homozygotic) are stillborn or die shortly after birth. It is common for them that they have a low birth weight and are underdeveloped. The calves, which live longer, suffer from chronic lung defect resulting in little growth and high young animal mortality. Most of these calves die or are put down within the first month, however a few can survive. Surviving calves suffer from repeated airway defects and inhibitory growth, and will most likely die or be put down BH2F Free
- AH2 Ayrshire Haplotype 2 (AH2F = Not carrier, AH2C = Single carrier, AH2S = Double carrier) AH2 is an autosomal Read more (AH2F = Not carrier, AH2C = Single carrier, AH2S = Double carrier) AH2 is an autosomal recessively inherited defect, identified in the North American Ayrshire population. It causes early embryonic death (spontaneous abortion). The key ancestor is believed to be Oak-Ridge Lightning (US 120135). https://omia.org/OMIA002134/9913/ AH2F Free