The Nilsson family and employees have developed a top-class company after the implementation of the crossbreeding system.
In 2019 Skråmered farm exported over 100 pregnant ProCROSS heifers to the UK and it is also an important show-herd for other dairy farmers from different countries. They come to this dairy farm to see the excellent results of the switch from pure Holstein to ProCROSS.
"Of course, to see these results gives us an extra impetus to work on the goals we set. It is the joint work within the family and with the staff that has made it possible to get to where we are today", Nilsson states.
These 333 ProCROSS cows are producing an average of 14,012 kg ECM with 4.1% fat and 3.6% protein. The conception rate for the herd is 1.9 inseminations per pregnancy on average, including the use of 60% sexed semen.
“It’s a game-changer for the calves. Sustainable, healthy animals are everyone's goal, and at the same time we can make a profit”, he adds.
They use a range of different VikingRed, VikingHolstein and Coopex Montbéliarde bulls, focusing on moderate size and longevity.
See the bulls here:
Coopex Montbéliarde