Ahlvik Gård farm in Finland emphasizes profitability, animal welfare, health, and quality. Success is guaranteed by VikingHolstein heifers from VikingGenetics' embryo program.
Bror Ahlvik started the dairy farm with 25 cows in 1988. Bror, 56, has always paid a lot of attention to the breeding of the animals. Especially high solids have been in focus for a long time. Of the four sons of Bror and Sonja, Zackarias, 23, and Jeremias, 21, have inherited their parents’ enthusiasm for milk production. “Since elementary school, the barn has been a very interesting place to be. From the seventh grade, I have been regularly working in the barn,” Jeremias says.
Later, Jeremias’ interest in the business expanded beyond their home farm. “I was training in Sweden in two herds of 1,000 cows and I learned a lot about managing a large farm. I still keep in touch with these farmers,” says Jeremias. Both sons also have working experience in other large domestic herds.