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16 Aug 2022 - August 2022

New VikingRed Sires

VR Vehmaa

gNTM +28 - £PLI 507 – EnviroCow 2.5

(VR Vimo x VR Filur x VR Faabeli)


Are you looking to attain higher production and a larger frame on the cows? Then VR Vehmaa will be a good choice for your herd. VR Vehmaa will contribute with a good production with high percentages.

This is combined with good longevity, udder health, milking speed and young stock survival. As a bonus, the calves are easily born so VR Vehmaa is a super bull for heifers. The daughters will have larger frames, paralleled legs from behind and strong udders. 

Expect the VR Vehmaa daughters to have:

  • Larger frames
  • High production
  • Improved health

The dam is currently pregnant in her second lactation in an organic herd in Finland. The dam was classified 79-84-85-84 in the first lactation. The grand dam is still milking in the herd and has started her fourth lactation. In her last lactation of 305 days, she gave an impressive 1,008 kg of dry matter and more than 11,000 kg of milk. She is classified 81-81-88-85 in the second lactation.

Beta Casein: A2/A2 Kappa Casein: AA

VR Vehmaa has X-Vik™ sexed semen available.

AHDB bull profile
VR Vehmaa VikingRed Sire

VR Uppura

gNTM +28 - £PLI 391 – EnviroCow 2.1

(VR Usva x VR Figarol x VR Vimpula)


Is your aim to find a bull that will increase production? Then look at VR Uppura. With an exceptional level of solids production, he can contribute to the breeding in your herd.

By transmitting high fat and protein percentages, combined with a positive milk volume, you can expect high-quality output from his daughters. The udders are well-attached and shallow. The daughters are expected to have good longevity in the herd.

Your daughters of VR Uppura will have:

  • High production
  • Shallow and well-attached udders
  • Increased longevity

VR Uppura dam is at the end of her first lactation and is a good-looking cow with a VG-88 classification. His grand dam is milking in the breeder’s herd and has recently ended the third lactation with a 305-day production of 12,887 kg milk with 1,026 kg of fat and protein.

Beta Casein: A2/A2      Kappa Casein: AA

VR Uppura has X-Vik™ sexed semen available.

AHDB bull profile
VR Uppura VikingRed Sire

VR Abin

gNTM +31 - £PLI 387 - Fertility 5.7

(VR Azer x VR Viljar x VR Fastrup)


Are you looking for a bull that is easy to use? Then VR Abin is an ideal choice for you. By combining all health traits above average with higher milk volume and excellent udder conformation, VR Abin can be used easily in many matings.

The udder conformation is characterized by well-attached and shallow udders. His daughters will have high milking speed, especially suitable for robotic milking systems. The progeny will have a harmonic body size with an average height with wider and deeper frames than average. 

You should use VR Abin if you are looking for:

High milk volumes

Improvement in udder conformation

An all-around bull

The dam was flushed as a heifer that led to VR Abin. VR Abin is from a productive family. On average, in almost two years, the dam has produced 11,932 kg of milk with 870 kg of fat and protein. Also, the grand dam of VR Abin had a lifetime production of more than 56,000 kg in 4.5 years of production.

Beta Casein: A2/A2 Kappa Casein: AA

VR Abin has X-Vik™ sexed semen available.

AHDB bull profile
VR Abin VikingRed Sire

VR Virkild

gNTM +27 – UK Proofs coming

(VR Vario x VR Favre x R Facet)


Are you looking to build up the health level in your herd without compromising on production and type traits? Then VR Virkild is the ideal choice for you.

VR Virkild is an all-around bull that will give you good production with high components. The lactation persistency is good throughout the lactation. He has a functional breeding profile with exceptional health, survival and calving traits. He's a suitable sire to be used for heifers. The daughters will be above average in size and have good feet & legs and good udders. They will milk fast and are suitable for robot milking.

VR Virkild will give you cows that have:

  • Great health
  • High fat and protein levels
  • Strong conformation

The dam of VR Virkild was in production for over four years. She gave an impressive 10,114 kg of milk on average with 6.47 % fat and 4.49 % protein, totalling 1,108 kg of dry matter. The dam had a VikingEmbyo flushing contract. She is the dam of sires VR Virkild and VR Hjuve. She has three daughters on a flushing contract for the VikingRed breeding programme. Her first son, VR Hjuve is already a proven sire and is among the highest ranking daughter-proven VikingRed bulls.

Beta Casein: A1/A2    Kappa Casein: AA

VR Virkild has X-Vik™ sexed semen available.

Bull profile
VR Virkild VikingRed Sire

VR Ferman

gNTM +37 – £PLI 370 – Fertility 7.6

(VR Fairway x VR Hopla)


Is your aim to find a bull that will increase solids production and health? Then look at VR Ferman. With an exceptional level of solids production, he can make an impact on the milk quality in your herd.

High solids are combined with good longevity, udder health and milking speed. The health traits are exceptional. The daughters will have good feet & legs. 

You should use VR Ferman if you are looking for:

  • Higher percentages
  • Improvement in health traits
  • Good milking speed

Beta Casein: A1/A2    Kappa Casein: AA

VR Ferman has X-Vik™ sexed semen available.

AHDB bull profile
VR Ferman VikingRed Sire

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